Ventura, California
Case study

An engaging gallery of user-generated content for the Ventura Visitors & Convention Bureau

People are taking photos of the beautiful city of Ventura daily; ShareSpring gathers these into a visual gallery on the home page.

Time on page 300%

Users now spend an average of 9 minutes on the home page, which has the Springboard.

Followers 75%

ShareSpring triggered a 75% trend increase in followers per month and 15% more likes.

Pageviews 270%

Users viewing the Springboard were more likely to click through the site and keep coming back.

ShareSpring Hashtag Campaign Visit Ventura

Increased engagement

After adding ShareSpring to the home page, saw visitor engagement on the home page increase 300% from 3 minutes to an average of 9 minutes spent on the home page interacting with photos and advertisements of Ventura. Returning users would visit the website daily and spend time clicking through the posts to see what's new in the city. Pageviews also increased 270%.

ShareSpring grew the social following for @VisitVentura as well. They saw a trend increase of 75% more followers per month and a trend of 15% more likes.

A Springboard for locals and tourists

Analytics showed that returning visitors were locals as well as visitors researching the city before traveling to Ventura. Both types of users were interested in the beautiful photos that users were posting and the helpful posts about weather, food, and events.

Ads were mixed in to the Springboard to bring attention to special events, deals at restaurants, and promotional material. Because these ads were mixed in organically, users were much more likely to read and click on them than a traditional banner ad.

ShareSpring Social Media Visit Ventura